Veneer Koto

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Wood speciesKoto
Bot. NamePterygota macrocarpa
Tradename EnKoto
Type Deciduous tree
Color Beige, Light Brown
Thickness 0.6 / 0.9 mm
Wood Structure Quarter Cut, Crown Cut
Country of harvestAfrica
Usages Interior, Furniture, Door
Certification No Certification possible

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Detailed Description

A tree up to 40 m high with diameters of up to 100 cm. Shaft upright, straight and cylindrically grown, with high buttress roots, which can reach up to 6 m, up to 20 m knotless. The bark is ash grey, smooth and finely cracked.

Tradenames and other names

Bot. Name: Pterygota macrocarpa

Tradename De: Koto

Tradename En: Koto


Raw density: 650- 720 Kg/m3


In the rainforests of West Africa, preferably in Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon, but also in parts of the Ivory Coast.

Characteristic and wood color

Sapwood and heartwood only slightly different in colour. The sapwood is slightly lighter, while the heartwood is creamy to white-yellow. The pores are numerous, open, medium sized and scattered. The medullary rays are very fine, numerous, yellowish, visible without a magnifying glass, in longitudinal section densely overlapping, of different height, straight, dull, in tangential section visible as tiny, thin stitches.

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